Let me update you on just a few random things that have been happening in the lab:
1. Lets talk about packing and shipping. Its always very exciting to get a new gift! Even if the "gift" that you get solidifies your spot in the world as a total nerd-bomber, its still a fun thing. So I like to look at what I order to do my experiments as gifts, then its always fun when they come in, it feels like a dorky little Christmas! However, there are a few disheartening things about receiving packages, the main one would be the packing. Hopefully nothing is broken of course but beyond that it just takes forever to get to the good stuff... take the example below:
It would seem as though this large box on the left contains a large something, or a small child, but you can see the progression down to the right to a very small bottle that quite frankly just took too long to get to. You know when you have a use a hammer to open something in a cardboard box you might be dealing with something shady. Or toxic. Whichever... on to my next note.
2. The birds are back in town. Although a few weeks ago it looked as if the humans were making triumphant steps towards bird elimination at the doo door I am sad to say the birds have overcome and are striking back... and this time they are hitting their mark, or Dan in this case.
It seems as though the nicer the clothes you wear, and the blonder your hair is the more The Birds resent you. Its a sad thing here in the lab, to be afraid to go out your front door. But it is far worse in other countries. We do still consider ourselves lucky for the lack of doody-mess at the other doors.
3. I've made a janky dip-coating device. I will have to elaborate more on this later due to time constraints but you don't want to miss out on the gear grinding action! Literally.